What is the difference between Myotherapy and Physiotherapy?

August 1, 2022

As Myotherapy is relatively new in Perth, the most common question I get asked is “what is the difference between Myotherapy and Physiotherapy?”

Although they are very similar, the main difference is a Myotherapy treatment is more hands-on and Physiotherapy session focuses more on rehabilitation. From my experience during a physiotherapy session you are actively participating with the physiotherapist, performing exercises and stretches to help with the injury or condition. In comparison, a Myotherapist will prescribe and show you exercises for after the session, in order to spend the time treating the client.

However, this is a generalisation as not every practitioner treats the same. It always comes down to the  practitioner’s training and how they like to perform sessions. Both modalities are great for decreasing pain and increasing function. The most important thing is to find the right practitioner that suits you. One who listens to your problem and understands what you need from them.

If you feel like myotherapy is right for you or you want to try something different, book in for a treatment.